Does Ring Attire Matter? | WrestleZone Forums

May 2024 ยท 2 minute read
I think it does matter, but when you look at some of the most successful and over wrestlers of all time, like Hulk Hogan, Steve Austin, The Rock and Goldberg, they all just work plan trunks in the ring (although Hogan and Austin did wear a shirt or vest) to thing ring.

The attire of a wrestler is generally just something that can add to their gimmick, making it look more realistic, such as Sgt Slaughter dressing like a soldier, or the Undertaker wearing the long black coat like the Grim Reaper, or even The Godfather coming out in the fur coat and carrying the pimp stick.

A boring, generic attire can be the death-knell of a wrestler if they cannot pull it off in the ring, just look at some of the jobbers over the year in ill-fitting trunks getting smashed around the ring by a superstar. Alternatively, if your gimmick is ridiculous and your attire is part of that gimmick, then that can also completely flop- look at Giant Gonzales for an example of this.

Some of the best ring attires are just basic, like Austin and Goldberg. There whole gimmick was about someone just kicking ass, and the "no frills" black trunks were perfect for this. No distractions, just a bald bad-ass beating people up. Sometimes the simple things work best....

All in all, I do certainly think a good, cool-looking attire can benefit a wrestler, but it isnt the be-all and end all. Its the gimmick, and your ability that matter most...but attire certainly can create an impression (good or bad) that can help or hinder a wrestler from the off.
