This Just In: Britney Spears is Smoking!

May 2024 · 1 minute read

We mean cigarettes, of course. We did not mean to apply above that Britney Spears is smoking in the figurative sense – as in smoking hot.

Not that she can’t be at times. We’ve seen plenty of sexy Britney Spears pictures in our lifetimes. Some of them not involving pants. But the images below don’t qualify as hot.

As the mother of Jayden James and Sean P. continued her shopping rampage in New York, she apparently forgot she was in the process of quitting cigarettes.

It’s a shame, but hey, you know what, it happens. Lindsay Lohan apparently forgot she just got out of rehab when she dialed up a certain skanky sex tape queen on her cell. So yo, don’t judge when you peep the pics below.

Bet Britney is wishing she could get her hands on an ice cold beer right about now. Or failing that, maybe Isaac Cohen
