The Meaning Behind The Song: A Crows Trial by Vane Lily

May 2024 · 3 minute read


As a music journalist, I am constantly on the lookout for unique and captivating songs that leave a lasting impact on listeners. One such song that gripped my attention is “A Crow’s Trial” by Vane Lily. Released on April 17, 2020, this hauntingly beautiful composition has a deep meaning hidden within its poetic lyrics.

Table of Contents

Personal Encounter:

I still remember stumbling upon this song at a friend’s house. As soon as the ethereal voice of Gumi and the intense melody filled the room, I was captivated. “A Crow’s Trial” instantly transported me to a mystical realm, where each verse unfolded like a dark fairytale.

Verse 1 Reflections:

The lyrics of the song open with an enigmatic scene, where guests leave their mundane lives behind to embark on a surreal journey. The imagery of dimly lit motels and dancing turtles with raccoons sets a peculiar and intriguing atmosphere. However, it is the appearance of a feathered creature, the crow, that truly sparks curiosity, signaling the beginning of a trial, both metaphorically and literally.

The Crow’s Temptation:

In the pre-chorus, the crow offers the protagonist a smoke, alluring them with the promise of a joyride. However, the protagonist hesitates, recognizing that getting swept away by temptation might lead to deception and entrapment. The crow warns about being caught in a web of lies, highlighting the internal struggle between succumbing to desires or facing the consequences.

The Singing Crows:

The chorus paints a vivid picture of city folk running at the mercy of singing crows. Here, the ravens embody a metaphorical trial, forcing individuals to confront their own mortality and desires. The concept of “paramnesia,” a condition where one confuses memories with dreams, adds an intriguing layer of complexity to the song’s meaning. The trial becomes an exploration of self-awareness in a world where reality blurs with illusion.

Verse 2 Insights:

The second verse continues the narrative, reiterating the presence of crows and their interaction with other creatures. The repetition of certain motifs, like the mannequin calling for a taxi and the familiar voice crying out, alludes to the cyclical nature of the trial. Each encounter with the crow brings the protagonist closer to their ultimate realization.

Bridge Reflections:

The multiple bridges in the song delve into existential questions. The dolls questioning the continuity of time if they were to die hints at the fleeting nature of existence. Meanwhile, the devil wonders if there will ever come a time when he can break free from his own metaphorical nest. These reflective interludes deepen the philosophical undertones of the song.

The Woman and the Devil:

In another captivating scene, a woman in a burning town contemplates her own enjoyment of gore as she consumes the devil’s heart. This imagery explores the dark allure of one’s desires and the consequences they entail. The woman’s actions echo the protagonist’s struggles, emphasizing the universal nature of the crow’s trial.


In “A Crow’s Trial,” Vane Lily masterfully weaves together enchanting melodies and poetic lyrics to delve into the complexities of human existence. Through metaphors and symbolism, the song explores themes of temptation, introspection, and the delicate balance between reality and illusion. It serves as a reminder for listeners to stay true to themselves, even when faced with trials that challenge their perceptions of truth.

Album Details:

Album Title: [Insert Album Title]


Release Date: April 17, 2020
