TNA Impact Wrestling Results (5/17) Jeff Hardy/Willow Saga, EC3 vs Tyrus, New World Champion ?

May 2024 · 2 minute read


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May 17th, 2016 

Galloway and Lashley gets into a massive brawl in the backstage area to start off the show. Lashley & Galloway are separated by the entire TNA Locker Room. 

Willow says that he has no fear. He has no regret. His mind is clear, for he is set free. Jeff Hardy comes out to interrupt the imposter Willow. Jeff has no idea who Shadow Willow is. Jeff says that the only Willow that exist lives inside of him. Jeff says that he’s about to expose this imposter. Willow has a special place in Jeff Hardy’s heart. When Jeff needs to go to the dark side, Willow is his escape. Hardy tries to play mind games with Willow. Hardy and Willow gets into a brawl. 

Hardy dropkicks Willow. Hardy connects with a double leg dropkick for a two count. Hardy goes for the Twist of Fate, but Willow counters with the Twist of Hate. Hardy gets back on his feet and drops Willow with the Twist of Fate to pickup the victory. After the match Hardy tries to expose who’s under the Willow mask. Another imposter Willow attacks Hardy from behind with a umbrella. A third Willow comes down to the ring to taunt Hardy.

It’s revealed that Matt Hardy is under the Willow mask. Matt says that his brother loved Willow more then he ever loved him. Matt says that he’s the reason why they both succeeded in their careers. Matt says that he used Jeff’s creation to show Nero that he made a mistake. His mistake was that Nero didn’t finish him. Jeff left him bruised, battered and torn. Matt says that he’s designed a pathway of destruction. Matt wants Jeff to go to war with him. Matt says that they will both go through a bevy of extreme pain, but he will never die. Matt picks his brother up and begins choke him out. Matt says that everything comes to an end, especially the indestructible Jeff Hardy.
