The Jennifer Garner Vigilante Movie On Netflix Confirms Shes An Action Star

May 2024 · 4 minute read

By Steven Nelson | Published 5 months ago

Grab some popcorn and settle in, as Jennifer Garner’s action-packed film, Peppermint, finds its home on Netflix! This intense revenge thriller is ready to keep you on the edge of your seat as Garner’s character transforms from a loving mother to a relentless vigilante, showcasing her versatile acting skills and offering audiences a riveting viewing experience.

Peppermint is a pulse-pounding action thriller that sees Jennifer Garner stepping into the role of Riley North, a mother and wife whose life is turned upside down by a brutal act of violence. 

Jennifer Garner stars in Peppermint streaming on Netflix

After witnessing her husband and daughter being gunned down by a drive-by shooting orchestrated by a drug cartel, Jennifer Garner as Riley falls into a coma. Waking up from her coma, she is devastated to learn about her family’s demise and is even more disheartened when the justice system fails her, allowing the murderers to walk free due to corruption and powerful connections.

Fueled by grief and an unrelenting desire for vengeance, Jennifer Garner disappears for five years, only to resurface in Los Angeles as a highly skilled and deadly vigilante. With a new set of combat skills acquired from her time off the grid, she embarks on a relentless pursuit of justice, targeting the criminals who destroyed her family and the corrupt officials who enabled them.

As Jennifer Garner’s Riley eliminates each member of the cartel and exposes the corruption within the system, she becomes a folk hero to the city’s residents, who have long suffered from crime and corruption.

Throughout the film, Jennifer Garner delivers a compelling performance as a woman scorned, channeling her pain and loss into a singular focus on justice, while leaving a trail of chaos and destruction in her wake. The narrative unfolds with intense action sequences, dramatic confrontations, and a relentless pace, as Riley North challenges the status quo and takes the law into her own hands.

Directed by Pierre Morel, known for his work on Taken, Peppermint also features notable performances from John Ortiz, John Gallagher Jr., and Juan Pablo Raba, each contributing to the film’s intense and gripping atmosphere.

Jennifer Garner’s Peppermint encountered critical adversity, earning a scant 12% on Rotten Tomatoes

The story dives deep into themes of justice, revenge, and the lengths one will go to protect their loved ones, all while keeping viewers glued to the screen with its action-packed sequences and Garner’s commanding presence.

Peppermint encountered critical adversity, earning a scant 12% on Rotten Tomatoes. However, Jennifer Garner emerged as a beacon of resilience, demonstrating her seasoned skills in portraying a tenacious and vengeful mother.

This role was a continuation of her formidable presence in the action genre, tracing back to her days as the lead in Alias, where she played a double agent balancing perilous missions and personal dilemmas.

Jennifer Garner Has Other Action Roles

Jennifer Garner’s commitment to action roles was further cemented with her titular character in Elektra. Despite the critical challenges faced by Peppermint, Garner’s consistent and credible performances in action roles have solidified her reputation as an underrated action star, capable of carrying films with her dynamic presence and range.

Peppermint showcases Jennifer Garner’s ability to transform into a relentless force in the action genre, further solidifying her versatility as an actress. Despite the film’s disappointing critical reception, Garner’s passionate performance elevates the material, making it a worthwhile watch for fans of action and revenge thrillers.

Garner’s credibility and commitment to her role are testaments to her untapped potential as an action star, harkening back to her impactful days on Alias and her turn as Elektra.

Streaming now on Netflix, Peppermint offers audiences a chance to witness Jennifer Garner in a fierce and commanding role, demonstrating her prowess in action sequences and emotional depth.

While the film may not have garnered critical acclaim, it serves as a reminder of Garner’s ability to carry a film and captivate audiences, making it a compelling option for those seeking a dose of vigilante justice and a strong female lead.
