Finn Wolfhard Gets Why Millie Bobby Brown Called Him a Lousy Kisser on Stranger Thing

May 2024 · 4 minute read

There’s no hard feelings between “Stranger Things” cast members and longtime friends Finn Wolfhard and Millie Bobby Brown. The duo’s characters, Mike and Eleven, have been romantically paired since the early days of the blockbuster Netflix series. Brown went viral last fall when she participated in a lie detector test for Vanity Fair and called Wolfhard a “lousy kisser.”

“You exclaimed, ‘Kissing sucks!’ after your first kiss with Finn Wolfhard. Is Finn just a lousy kisser?” an interrogator asked Brown during the interview. The actor responded, “He is.”

Wolfhard was finally asked about Brown’s kissing diss on an upcoming interview on “The Drew Barrymore Show” (via Insider). But Wolfhard isn’t sweating the criticism.

“You know what? I was fine with it,” Wolfhard told Barrymore. “My first, like, on-screen kiss was with Millie, but I didn’t know how to like approach that in any way. There was no like, ‘You’re gonna do this thing, and at the end of the take you’re gonna kiss her.’ And so I kinda just like head-butted her.”

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“The romantic way of putting it is I head-butted her,” Wolfhard continued. “I was 12, so I’ll excuse it. I’d probably have done the same thing if I was not on screen in front of the entire world.”

Later this year, Brown and Wolfhard will start production on the final season of “Stranger Things.” Their co-star, Sadie Sink, recently told “Today” that filming the final episodes will be “scary and sad.”

“It’s going to be awful. It’s going to be horrible,” Sink said. “These kids, this entire cast and crew, this is, like — I mean, it’s family. People say it all the time, but I genuinely mean it. And to think that we have to kind of say goodbye to that security and knowing that we won’t be seeing each other for another season, it’s scary and sad, but I think it’s exciting to move on to the next chapter.”

The first four seasons of “Stranger Things” are now streaming on Netflix.

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