Meagan Good Talks Marriage, Eyebrow Tattoos on Wendy

May 2024 · 4 minute read

Meagan Good sat down with Wendy Williams to dish about hyperventilating during her husband’s proposal, and how her perfectly groomed eyebrows are actually tattoos.

Megan Good has become one of TV’s hottest actresses after she landed her latest role on NBC’s “Deception” which means she’s the new topic of interest for every daytime talk show.

Even before her new found TV stardom, however, fans have been busy googling her – particularly her eyebrows.

Good has been known for having perfectly groomed eyebrows and Wendy wanted to know how she managed to keep up the perfectly look day after day. It wasn’t long before she revealed the secret was that she didn’t really have eyebrows at all, just some really nice tattoo work.

Now before anyone rushes to get eyebrow tattoos, Meagan also explained that she didn’t have much of a choice when it came to tattooing her eyebrows on.

“I actually don’t have to do anything [to them] now because I tattooed them,” she told Wendy. “I tattooed them 6 years ago. The area I grew up in, there were a lot of Spanish girls and they used to shave their eyebrows off to draw them on. When I started doing that, they didn’t grow back. So I had to tattoo them on.”

In addition to becoming a new TV actress, it was only last year that the ‘Think Like a Man” actress became a wife as well.

Meagan Good’s wedding was a little larger than she wanted it to be but since she and husband DeVon Franklin have so many friends and family there was no way to make the ceremony any smaller.

“We had 200 people,” she said. “It was more people than I wanted to have but we have a lot of family so…”

She also revealed that DeVon’s proposal was so shocking that she almost didn’t get married simply because she could barely pay attention to what he was saying at a certain point.

“…When he went to go get the box, I didn’t know what he was doing and when he brought the box out, I was like, ‘What is that?’ Then he started talking, and I was hearing what he was saying, and then I was like, ‘OMG! He’s proposing,’” she explained, being careful to keep personal details out so her and her husband could still have their own personal memories. “I didn’t know what to do so I started hyperventilating and he said, ‘I can tell you are not hearing anything that I am saying at this point so I’m just going to ask you ‘Will you marry me?’”

The lovely couple met on the set of Christian film six years before they tied the knot and they were reunited once again when DeVon executive produced Jumping The Broom.

While she is obviously head over heels in love, she admits that things feel awkward because of the one man she seems to always be falling in love with – well in movies anyway.

Good often finds herself being Laz Alonso’s love interest and she revealed that he is actually very good friends with her husband.

“This is my third project with Laz Alonso,” she said. “My husband is really good friends with Laz so [the love scenes] are kind of weird because it’s like kissing your brother. There’s a mutual respect between both of them though.”

The “Stomp the Yard” actress also admitted she refused to give her husband the goods until she had a ring on her finger. Lucky for her, however, her husband was on the same page perhaps even longer than she was.

Meagan has been celibate for a few months while they started dating, but her husband had been celibate for years.

A mutual friend of there’s asked the actress “you know he’s celibate right?” and after Good replied that she was celibate as well, the friend reinforced DeVon’s dedication by saying “like for real celibate.”

She didn’t have to wait long to restrain from sex though because it was just a matter of months later that the two were happily married.

Meanwhile, the young actress also opened up about her new show revealing she is happy to see women of color in the lead for once.

“I can’t ignore the fact that there were no shows for so long with women of color in the lead,” she explained.

She also pointed out that the shows success has nothing to do with race at all and that is glad to just be part of a really good show.

“Deception is a really good, well-written show,” she continued. “That’s the key with both [Deception and Scandal]: being part of something that is real quality. That’s what any actress wants, no matter what color.”
