What is the GREY line of the lid margin?

May 2024 · 5 minute read

The grey line of the lid margin is a delicate gray line that runs along the free margin of the eyelid. It is histologically related to the most superficial portion of the orbicularis oculi muscle, known as the muscle of Riolan. The grey line also corresponds to the avascular plane of the eyelid.

What is the GREY line in surgery?

The gray line in surgery is a surface anatomical landmark used by surgeons in the repair of lacerations involving the lid margin.

What is gray line in ophthalmology?

In ophthalmology, the gray line is an eyelid margin projection of the orbicularis muscle known as Riolan’s muscle. It is also associated with the avascular plane of the eyelid.

What is the GREY line Mucocutaneous Junction?

The gray line mucocutaneous junction refers to the transitional zone between the two layers of the eyelid margin. It is marked by the gray line and is where the meibomian gland orifices are visible.

What is the lid margin of the eye?

The lid margin of the eye is the free edge of the eyelid. It is divided into the anterior lid margin and the posterior lid margin, with the gray line separating the two.

What is the GREY line muscle of Riolan?

The muscle of Riolan, also known as the pars ciliaris or gray line muscle, is the marginal portion of the palpebral orbicularis muscle adjacent to the eyelid margin.

What is a mucocutaneous margin?

The mucocutaneous margin is the area where the conjunctiva and skin meet. It is the site where the eyelashes are located and where the orifices of the meibomian glands can be found.

What are Dennie lines?

Dennie lines are folds or creases of skin below the lower eyelid. They are commonly seen in children with skin conditions such as eczema and may be associated with inflammatory skin diseases.

What is the GREY line in Tarsorrhaphy?

The grey line in tarsorrhaphy refers to the slightly darker line in the middle of the lid margin between the anterior and posterior lamellae of the eyelid. It serves as a reference point for the procedure.

What is the incision from xiphoid to pubis?

The incision from xiphoid to pubis is a midline laparotomy incision that runs from the xiphoid process to the pubic symphysis. It is commonly used to access the abdominal cavity during surgical procedures.

Why do doctors put in a central line?

Doctors may place a central venous catheter, also known as a central line, for various reasons. These include administering medications, providing nutrition, conducting certain medical tests, and helping with the treatment of pain, infection, or other medical issues.

Why do surgeons draw on you before surgery?

Surgeons draw on patients before surgery to mark important anatomical landmarks and incision sites. These markings serve as visual guides for the surgical team, helping to ensure precise and accurate incisions and avoid potential mistakes.

What is the GREY line and lash line?

The grey line and lash line are anatomical features of the eyelid margin. The grey line refers to the marginal portion of the palpebral orbicularis muscle, while the lash line is where the eyelashes are located.

Why is tarsorrhaphy important?

Tarsorrhaphy is an important surgical procedure used to partially sew the eyelids together in order to protect the cornea from exposure and promote healing. It is commonly used in cases of non-healing epithelial defects, corneal surface disease, and other eyelid and ocular disorders.

What is the tarsorrhaphy procedure on the eyelids?

Tarsorrhaphy is a surgical procedure that involves partially sewing the eyelids together to narrow the eye opening. It is performed to protect the eye from foreign objects and reduce painful drying in patients with full or partial facial paralysis that affects eyelid closure.

What are the Dennie-Morgan fold lines?

Dennie-Morgan fold lines are extra creases or folds just below the lower eyelid. They are commonly seen in individuals with atopic dermatitis and other inflammatory conditions affecting the eye area.

What is the crease on the bottom of the eyelid?

The crease on the bottom of the eyelid is known as the infratarsal crease. It is variable in appearance and is most noticeable at the inferior border of the short lower eyelid tarsal plate. The skin in this area is thin, with minimal subcutaneous tissue.

What is the mucocutaneous junction of the eyelid?

The mucocutaneous junction of the eyelid is the transitional area between the eyelid skin epidermis and the palpebral conjunctival epithelium. It is marked by the gray line and is also where the meibomian gland orifices are found.

What is the epithelial lining of the eyelids?

The epithelial lining of the eyelids is the conjunctiva, which is a transparent mucous membrane. It lines the inner surface of the eyelids, known as the palpebral conjunctiva, and the anterior surface of the sclera, known as the bulbar conjunctiva.

What is the superficial front line and back line?

The superficial front line (SFL) and back line (SBL) are fascial lines that play a role in maintaining the body’s posture. The SFL is responsible for the downward pulling motion, while the SBL tends to elevate the back.

What is the difference between Arc of Riolan and Drummond?

The arc of Riolan and the marginal artery of Drummond are two different vascular structures. The arc of Riolan runs proximally to the root of the mesentery, while the marginal artery of Drummond runs distally. Both originate from the inferior mesenteric artery (IMA) or its branches.
