Hello Tomorrow First 3 Episodes Recap and Ending, Explained

May 2024 · 7 minute read

“Hello Tomorrow” on Apple TV+ is a retro-futuristic drama that takes place in a world where technology is so advanced that people go to the moon all the time. Here, a man named Jack Billings has set up a business to sell condos on the Moon. The first three episodes of the show set up a conflict that could destroy everything Jack and his employees have worked for so far. The stakes for each character are made clear, and by the end of the third episode, the audience isn’t sure who they should root for. Here’s what we can learn from the first episodes about the show and where it’s going. SPOILERS AHEAD!

Hello Tomorrow! Episode 1, 2 and 3 Recap

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The story of ‘Hello Tomorrow!’ opens in Vistaville where Jack Billings and his team of salesmen arrive to sell condos on the Moon. They work for a company called Brightside. Somewhere in the Sea of Serenity, they have built a huge complex. Stan Jenkins, who owned the company, made a lot of money and moved to the Moon. On Earth, he talks to the people who work for him through Jack. No one else has ever talked to Jenkins, and by the end of the episode, it is clear that Jenkins doesn’t really exist.

Jack is a crook, that’s the truth. He is tricking people into buying condos that don’t really exist. Even Stan Jenkins is made up, and Jack makes up the messages that come from him. His team doesn’t know about this trick, so they work hard to make sales and really believe that they are making a difference. When Jack finds out that his wife, whom he left more than 20 years ago, was in an accident and is now in a coma, things change.

Eddie, Jack’s son, doesn’t remember him anymore, but he goes to one of Jack’s conferences and decides to get a place on the Moon. Jack doesn’t know this. When Jack finds out what Eddie is trying to do, he turns down Eddie’s application and asks Eddie to come work for him instead. Eddie is also a good salesman, but it took him a while to get there. But then he finds out that Jack and the others are traveling salespeople and won’t be in Vistaville for long.

Hello Tomorrow! Episode 3 Ending: Why Does Jack Decide to Stay in Vistaville?

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Jack knows that he can only fool so many people at once in one place for so long. He tells the customers that flights to the Moon leave once a quarter, so they’ll have to wait a few months until it’s their turn. This means he has enough to bring as many people as possible into the group. After that, he and his team leave town and are never seen or heard from again. When they aren’t taken to the Moon after a few months, people realize they were tricked. But by that time, it’s too late, and they can’t do anything about it.

Jack’s trick, which is not very strong, only works because he never stays in a town longer than he needs to. In fact, it’s best if he gets away as soon as possible. But things are very different this time. It’s about his son this time. Jack had left his family behind a long time ago, and if his wife hadn’t been in an accident, he wouldn’t have gone back to them. This tragedy brings him back to his son, and he sees that his son is completely alone and needs someone to help him have a better life.

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Eddie doesn’t think about the fact that his sales team will have to move at some point when he joins it. Eddie decides to quit when he finds out about it because he needs to be with his mother. Jack does manage to change his mind. He tells Eddie that he shouldn’t stop living his life and that staying in Vistaville won’t help his mother anyway. She would rather he went out and lived his life. Eddie decides to just let things happen. But then Jack’s mother gives him a wake-up call. She tells him he was wrong to leave his family when they needed him, and now he is making his son leave his dying mother.

Even though Jack hates his mother, he can’t deny that he is acting very selfishly. He goes to see his wife in the hospital and tells her everything that’s on his mind. After a lot of thought, he decides it wouldn’t be good for Eddie to leave everything behind and leave his mother behind in Vistaville. Jack has to go, but he would rather stay and spend more time with his son. Even though Eddie doesn’t know about their connection yet, he wants to make up for all the lost time. So, Jack decides that he should stay in Vistaville for a while longer. Even though it seems like the right thing to do for Eddie’s sake, Jack doesn’t know how dangerous he is making himself by doing this.

How Will Myrtle’s Complaint Affect Jack’s Business?

Jack’s whole business is based on the fact that he is trying to reach a very specific group of people. He looks for people who have been through a very sad time in their lives. He calls these people “leads.” These people have either lost their family or their reason for being alive. Any way you look at it, they are completely alone and need hope. Jack has an easier time selling the idea of a fresh start than people who are already happy with their lives.

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Myrtle is one of the people Jack’s time is after. She is a housewife who is stuck in a marriage she hates. Herb tells her that she should leave her husband and start over on the Moon. Myrtle finds this step very hard, but she gives it her all. She gets all the money she can, burns down the house to get back at her husband, and leaves her past behind for good. So far as she knows. She doesn’t find out that it will take a few months to get to the Moon until she has already given away her money and signed the contract.

This makes Myrtle very angry, so she begs Herb to get them on the next flight as soon as possible. She doesn’t even have a place to live anymore. She has no money left and has burned all her bridges, so she needs a fresh start more than ever. She thinks she might have made a mistake more and more as time goes on. She tries to talk to customer service, but as expected, no one will talk to her.

At the end of the third episode, Myrtle meets Lester, who works for Vistaville County and has his eye on Brightside. It turns out that they haven’t filled out the paperwork needed to tell the government about their business. The team could have solved this problem by just leaving the town. But now that Jack has decided to stay, Lester will keep asking them about the forms, and sooner or later he will find out the truth. He also helps Myrtle file an official complaint against Brightside. This means that Jack’s business is now in a tighter spot, and his shady activities are close to being found out.

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