Movies directed by Ben Stiller

May 2024 · 1 minute read
Secret Life of Walter Mitty, The Poster Secret Life of Walter Mitty, The

One could make a compelling argument that The Secret Life of Walter Mitty does what a good remake should do: it takes the essential premise of the original and, while retaining some of the names and touchstones of its predecessor, moves in a new di...

Tropic Thunder Poster Tropic Thunder

Just when it was starting to look like the concept of a "funny comedy" has gone out of vogue, along comes Pineapple Express and its cinematic cousin, Tropic Thunder. The latter film, which has emerged from the warped mind of Ben Stiller, is a litt...

Zoolander Poster Zoolander

Under normal circumstances, Zoolander is the kind of movie I would recommend giving a pass to in theaters and waiting for the video release. But these are far from normal circumstances. In the wake of the World Trade Center disaster, audiences ar...

Zoolander 2 Poster Zoolander 2

Fans of Ben Stiller’s fashion satire Zoolander will be delighted to learn that Zoolander 2 offers more of the same. Of course, there are drawbacks to this approach - those who were less-than-impressed by the 2001 comedy aren’t likely to b...
