View From The Capitol #15: Did Smiley Hit KC Navarro w/ A Top Rope Brainbuster? (Video), Colossal Co

May 2024 · 1 minute read

If Mempho Mofo retains his Sapphire TV Championship on August 10th versus Colossal Mike Law and then at a point in the near future resolves his bizarre affinity for international superstar and Capitol original “The Concrete Rose” Sonny Kiss, he could end 2018 with the most momentum of any Capitol performer heading into the new year.

As well, though he was defeated by the previously mentioned Colossal Mike Law to end their six month-long feud, Beau Crockett has advanced past being the the prodigal son of Southern rasslin’s legacy and is now quite the dangerous foe for any Capitol antagonist. His forthcoming match versus his June 2017 opponent in the Capitol, “The One Above All” Anthony Gangone is as much an in-ring test as it is a showcase of how far this dangerous duo have advanced in the Capitol.

NEXT PAGE: View From The Capitol #15 (cont.)
