Who are Bre-Z and Chris Amore from Couples Retreat? Duo were the first LGBTQ couple to grace the MTV

May 2024 · 5 minute read

Couples Retreat, the VH1 show that is set to air on MTV as part of its Tuesday Night Takeover, will feature celebrity couples as they work on their issues in a different way. The couples set to appear on the show will participate in various activities, including ziplining, training with a ninja, herding cattle, and more, to help them develop trust and improve their relationships.

One of the six couples set to appear on the show is Bre-Z and Chris Amore, the show’s first queer couple. The two started making appearances on each other’s social media accounts sometime in 2019.

Bre-Z is an actress and rapper who gained fame for her role in Fox’s Empire. She further appeared in The Real Deal, Tales, The New Edition Story, All American, and more. Chris Amore is a makeup artist and the founder of Amore Skin Facials.

Tune in on Tuesday, May 2, at 9 pm ET to watch the season premiere of Couples Retreat on MTV.

Bre-Z and Chris Amore from Couples Retreat were friends for a year before they started dating

One of the couples set to appear in MTV’s Couples Retreat is Bre-Z and Chris Amore. Their appearance makes it the first time a queer couple has been featured on the show, and they have apparently been together since 2019. They appeared on Love That For Us in 2021, where they opened up about their relationship and “dreamy proposal.”

In the clip, Chris said that she used to watch Bre-Z on Empire and wonder if she was into women, but didn’t even know her real name at the time. She said that the upcoming Couples Retreat cast members had a connection and were friends for a year before they got together.

Bre-Z added:

"Literally, you turned out to be the best friend I ever had."

The All American actor continued that they were together every day and had “a ball.” She said that Chris would take her to do things she never would. She added that while she was “this famous person,” she didn’t really have a life.

Bre-Z further opened up about what she liked about her fiance the most and said that she’s not afraid to sit in the house and watch TV with her. She added that when the two of them first met, Chris was always doing something.

Bre-Z further asked her girlfriend whether she had a coming out story and what her experience was telling her parents about being into women. Chris said that she was just who she was and “brought home” whoever she wanted to bring home.

She added:

"I never had a discussion at all with my mom."

The upcoming Couples Retreat star further added that her mother probably just wanted to register whoever she brought home as her friend and that she didn’t want to believe that she was gay.

Bre-Z stated that she was in the eighth grade when her mother found a letter from a girl in her pocket while washing her clothes. The Empire actress added that it was a two-page letter, appreciating her.

The celebrities have been engaged since 2021 and are set to appear on the show to make their relationship stronger.

Tune in on Tuesday, May 2, at 9 pm ET to watch the season premiere of Couples Retreat on MTV.

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